What We Believe:

We live in a world that God has made for us to enjoy and look after. God has made us to live life to the full – and that means to live in fulfilling relationships with God and others and to be at peace with ourselves as well.

But we all mess up, nobody lives life as we should. Because of our sin, we ruin our relationships with one another and with God.

In Jesus, God made it possible for us to get back into right relationships and gives us the chance to start again. Because Jesus died for us on the cross, he paid the ultimate price for our sin, and cleared the way for a fresh start.

Being a Christian means to accept what Jesus has done on the cross, and to follow him daily, with the strength we receive from the Holy Spirit. It’s not about following religious laws, but being set free to really live life to the full, as God intended.

Baptism is the way that people become a part of the Christian church and show that their lives have been changed by meeting Jesus. Therefore it is only for adult believers who have come to their own decision about following Jesus Christ. We have a special service for parents wishing to give thanks to God for the birth of a child.

For an introduction to the Christian faith go to theway.co.uk

Why We Worship:

Worship, by definition, ‘to adore God’, creates more problems within and between churches than any other aspect of our church services. For we all have our own ideas on how best to worship. They are functions of our age and religious tradition. Those young in years or heart, express themselves in different ways to the ‘grey brigade’. Similarly, traditional, evangelical, charismatic and Pentecostal traditions have all developed their own forms of worship which their adherents are comfortable with. The challenges that these ever-present divergences produce will likely remain with us until the return of Jesus, when we will all worship Him with one accord.

But there is one question that is far more important than ‘how we worship’. And that is ‘why we worship’. For ‘why’ is the substance behind the ‘how’ of the form. Our God seeks the ‘why’ rather than the ‘how’. Our motivation, our heart, is what our God is interested in. Both individually, and as groups of worshippers.

And our worship is first and foremost to bless, to magnify, to glorify and honour our magnificent God. Not seeking a blessing for us. To give, rather than receive. To love, rather than to be loved. Yes, we will be blessed, we will receive and we will be loved, for that is the nature of our amazing God. But that is the by-product, not the primary purpose of our worship.

As we give our all to Him, so He opens up the very doors of heaven itself, and we can experience a glimpse, a foretaste of the eternal glory we have already entered into upon the acceptance of Jesus as our Saviour and Lord. We can experience the beautiful presence of the Lord in many different types of worship service. For His presence is attracted not by the form but by our heart of worship.

O yes, let’s love and worship Him with all our being, shall we!